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Coffee CoPlus

Fancy drinks and nutritious beverage mix CO PLUS is a high quality cocoa mixed with prune extract, pennywort, Gingko bibola, raisins, dates and figs.

Efficacy CoPlus
Prune the anti-oxidant agent that can slow the aging process, it also helps clean the intestines and is good for dieting activities.
Dates to improve memory power and power adder immediately. It can also nourish the nervous system and ease the intestinal system.
Currant fruit effectively improve memory and also includes a high anti-oxidant. It is also very good for heart health and nervous system.

Fig able to increase the oxygen content in the blood, controlling muscle spasms, weight control and white blood cells. It also serves to reduce harmful bacteria in the body.

Gingko Biloba is used to improve memory and blood circulation throughout the body. It also helps to stimulate the respiratory system and eyes in addition to control muscle spasms and helps in male infertility problems.

Centella known to soothe and sharpen the mind, preserving a copy of the blood and helps regulate blood pressure. In addition, pennywort also nourish the skin and accelerate wound healing, reduces joint pain and treating sleep difficulties.

Cocoa contains 3 times more antioxidants than green tea. Anti-oxidants are good for heart health and nervous system also helps regulate cholesterol

Price: RM 39.60 (Senanjung Malaysia)
RM 43.60 (East Malaysia)